Called to Solemn Assembly:

January 2025

Listen to this devotional

Week 1 – Personal Preparation (December 29–January 4)
Week 2 – Corporate Prayer And Fasting (January 5–12)

Regional and Corporate Prayer Schedule (January 6–12)

Morning Prayer
6:00–7:00am Mon–Fri
Red Hill, Central Oahu, Metro, East Honolulu
• Leeward & Windward online only

Corporate Noon Prayer
12:00–1:00pm Mon–Fri
Red Hill

Corporate Evening Prayer
6:00–8:00pm Mon–Fri
Red Hill

Personal and Family Prayer
Anytime Saturday

Leaders’ Training (John Harke)
9:00am–12:00pm Sat
Red Hill

Fusion Sunday
10:00am Sun
All regions meet at Red Hill

Thanksgiving and Exhortation
6:00pm Sun
Red Hill


Please do not fellowship during times of prayer. Let us honor the presence of God and guard the spiritual sobriety and sanctity of the occasion. Be encouraged to wait on God and hear Him. Take notes of what you hear.

Evening Prayer Schedule:
6:00–6:30pm Personal Prayer
6:30–7:30pm Corporate Prayer
7:30–8:00pm Personal Prayer


Day 1 (Sunday) Ministry of the Word (AM and PM services)

Day 2 (Monday) Awake to Holiness

Day 3 (Tuesday) Awake to Know the Times

Day 4 (Wednesday) Awake to Righteousness

Day 5 (Thursday) Awake to Prayer

Day 6 (Friday) Awake to the Holy Spirit

Day 7 (Saturday) Leaders’ Training (John Harke)

Day 8 (Sunday) Thanksgiving and Exhortation

December 29–January 4, 2025 (Sunday to Saturday)

Six Steps To Preparation For Solemn Assembly

Sunday, December 29, 2024, to Saturday, January 4, 2025, is a week of personal preparation before the Solemn Assembly. Like the Levitical priests who carefully prepared themselves before they entered the Tabernacle to minister to God, it is important that we take time to prayerfully prepare ourselves to enter Solemn Assembly in the spirit and posture of heart that is pleasing to God. Record all that God will be speaking to you throughout this season of prayer and fasting on the pages provided in this booklet.

STEP 1: Plan your week’s schedule to include times for corporate
and personal prayer.

STEP 2: Personal preparation (Psalm 51:1–19 NKJV)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
  1. Prepare your heart to come before God in humility and contrition.
  2. Allow the Holy Spirit to do a deep searching of your heart and life. Bring everything to light and let nothing be hidden.
  3. Pray through Psalm 51. Repent and ask God to forgive you, cleanse your heart, and renew a right spirit within you.
  4. Ask God to open the eyes of your understanding; remove all unbelief, hardness, pride and resistance to His Holy Spirit. Ask God to put truth and wisdom in your inward parts.
  5. Make relationships right with God and with others.

STEP 3: Prepare as a family (Joshua 24:14–15; Psalm 133 NKJV)

Now, therefore, fear the LORD, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the LORD!…But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
  1. Heads of families: help prepare your family and share the personal application of Solemn Assembly to every person in your household.
  2. Minister unity and oneness; bring healing and reconciliation
    to all relationships in your family, repent of sins committed against each other, and minister love and forgiveness towards one another.
  3. Married couples: read 1 Peter 3:1–7 and Colossians 3:18–19.
  4. Parents and children: read Colossians 3:20–21.
  5. Have a family communion time to seal the oneness of spirit,
    love and peace; pray Psalm 133 and Colossians 3 into your family.

STEP 4: Spiritual house-cleansing (2 Chronicles 34:3–27 NKJV)

For in the eighth year of his (Josiah’s) reign, while he was still young, he began to seek the God of his father David; and in the twelfth year he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places, the wooden images, the carved images, and the molded images…in the eighteenth year of his reign…he sent Shaphan…to repair the house of the LORD…because your heart was tender…and you humbled yourself before Me…I also have heard you, says the LORD.
  1. Do spiritual house-cleaning (2 Chronicles 34:1–33); if there is any item in your possession that contains spiritually defiling material and is not pleasing to God, get rid of it.
  2. These things defile us and our homes, and become gateways for the enemy to infiltrate.
  3. Repair your personal and family altar (daily devotions, prayer and the Word).

STEP 5: Prepare all ministries (Colossians 3:12–15 NKJV)

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another; and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
  1. Heads of ministries: prepare all helpers and others under your care, and ensure that everyone is informed concerning the purpose and times of prayer.
  2. Exhort all to participate in the blessing of Solemn Assembly.
  3. Minister unity, reconciliation and oneness; if there is any rift in ministerial relationships, prayerfully bring reconciliation and oneness.
  4. Renew commitments to God and each other; pray Psalm 133 and Colossians 3 into your ministry.

STEP 6: Ask God to infuse great faith in us (Hebrews 11:6 NKJV)

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
  1. Seek God diligently and believe in Him for great things.
  2. Step into the week of Solemn Assembly with a contrite heart and great faith.


The Call To Humbly Seek God In Prayer And Fasting

Joel 1:14 NKJV—Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God and cry out to the LORD.

Solemn Assembly is a corporate and personal call to humbly separate ourselves unto God for a time of Consecration, Prayer and Fasting to seek His face for a specific purpose. It is humbling ourselves before God in repentance and consecration. It is a time to:

  • “Break up the fallow ground” of our hearts before God.
  • Repent of all sins and return to God wholeheartedly.
  • Totally consecrate ourselves to God as His redeemed people.
  • Wait on God to hear from Him and take heed.
  • Resolve to obey and please Him alone.

What Is Fasting And Prayer?

Fasting and prayer are spiritual ministries that God responds to. In fasting, abstinence from food (and other things) is an outward demonstration of an inward heart of contrition and repentance towards God. It is a spiritual act of humbling and emptying ourselves before God in submission to His Lordship. Fasting crucifies our flesh and self, enthrones God, and brings us into total submission to Him. We deny all that is of ourselves—our will, needs, appetites, desires, priorities, and motives—to embrace all that is His. There are different ways to fast. Let the Lord lead you at all times. We fast on:

  • Food (depending on God’s direction).
  • Time (setting aside time to pray and wait on God).
  • Priorities (denying personal agendas to make seeking Him our first priority).
  • Pleasures (abstaining from things we enjoy to devote that time and energy to God).

How Do We Fast?

We are to fast as the Holy Spirit leads us. Let God show you what He is dealing with in your life. All fasting must be accompanied with prayer. There are three different ways we can fast:

  • Partial fast–abstain from certain meals or reduce normal portion sizes (no snacking to make up for meals).
  • Total fast–abstain from solid foods and consume only liquids (if you have a health condition, consult with your doctor first).
  • Daniel fast–abstain from specific types of foods, beverages and/or pleasures (e.g. internet, social media, television, entertainment, sports, recreation, shopping, etc.).

How Do We Wait On God?

  • Plan and set aside a specific time and place to wait on God each day of the Solemn Assembly (remove all distractions).
  • Waiting is an act of submission that crucifies the flesh and lets God be God.
  • Allow Him to thoroughly search you, so that nothing is hidden.
  • Consciously tune your heart and spirit to hear Him and be sensitive to His voice.
  • God will draw near and reveal Himself to you.
  • Praying brings revelation of things that we need to address, and allows the Holy Spirit to illuminate our hearts.
  • Remember to take notes of all that God speaks to you.