Missions Short-Term Mission Reports Waialua 2023


BREE: My name is Bree Engdahl, I’m 45 years old, and the Waialua short-term mission was my first ever. I invited Jesus into my heart when I was in Maui Jail in 2017, facing serious drug charges. I never could have imagined what would take place next; I was overflowed by the Holy Ghost and forever changed. I was devouring the Word and telling everyone, “When I get out, I’m going to tell the world about Jesus.” Now, 13 months after being released from serving 5 years, I was blessed to go on a short-term mission. Prison definitely “prepared me for such a time as this.” It was very challenging to do missions where I live. My favorite part was sitting down with the Houseless People and hearing their stories and sharing Gods love. I love encouraging, praying, and making meaningful connections, as we were all created for relationships. Hallelujah to the One True King Jesus!

DOUGLAS: It was my first time being on a short-term mission, for which I’m thankful to God. There was anticipation that God was going to do great and mighty things which He did! Through prayer we saw God open many opportunities for us to witness for Him! In fact I felt like we were experiencing something similar to the book of Acts! God also exposed a need in my life from which I repented of and as a result did a deeper work in me that I might even be a more effective vessel for Him to use for His glory and honor!

TONY: On this mission to Waialua we were in alignment with the Holy Spirit to go out in search of the lost wherever the Lord sent us. There were many opportunities to share the Good News and plant seeds for salvation among the souls we met. We evangelized going house to house knocking on doors, going to Houseless Camps praying for them and giving them food, and even on the road driving by. We also had a beach outreach giving free water, keychains and bracelets to people coming to the table which we were able to pray for people and share the Word. Throughout this mission there were many divine appointments to share. We were also able to continue our weekly services at the Waialua Kupuna Home, where we have a good starting base. The harvest is ready in Waialua.

MACY: Mother Teresa said “Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the action that we do.” It can be challenging to be on a short-term mission without leaving “home.” However, we focused on Jesus and relied on His Holy Spirit to rest upon us and direct our steps in all ministries, including precious, personal time with our Lord. We served many of God’s ohana in a variety of circumstances, always in love. The Lord of the Harvest led some to salvation through Jesus Christ (this young man), and added some new attendees at the Wednesday evening “micro church.” 1 John 4:16 says, “we have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” Read the entire chapter and go love your brother! ALL GLORY TO GOD!
