
Spark Kids

Spark Kids is an exciting group of children’s ministries that connect kids to God through worship, learning, and activities. Spark Kids encourages children to reach their full potential in Christ, and provides opportunities for them to serve in the areas of their interests.

Spark Kids features a unique and exciting rewards program specially designed for kids. As children attend classes, services, and special events, they have various opportunities to earn Bible Bucks, which can be saved and traded for real prizes. A variety of toys, candy and other fun items are available every Sunday, with an expanded selection available at the Spark Store in our Red Hill main campus.

Volunteering with SPARK Kids

Our Programs:

Carpenter’s Workshop (18mo–6th Grade)
Sunday School classes for children. Children are split into different classrooms based on grade level.
8:00am, Red Hill Main Campus

K.I.D.S. Church (Junior: Pre–6th Grade, Senior: 1st–6th Grade)
A special Sunday service designed just for kids, with praise and worship, games, activities, and more!
10:15am, all campuses

Additional Information:

Red Hill: Parents, please sign in your children at the Ohana Center on the first floor

Central Oahu: Children stay in main service until dismissed after offertory

Participating campuses:

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