Media & Technology

Media Ministries

Video Ministry

The video ministry operates in a challenging, fast-paced environment, overseeing the production of live video for church services and events. Volunteers operate mobile and mounted video cameras, switch between video sources to keep viewers engaged, project lyrics and media to the in-house screens, and troubleshoot equipment and situations to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Volunteer Positions:

  • Camera operator
  • Switcher operator
  • PVP operator
  • ProPresenter operator
  • Video room director

Lighting Ministry

The lighting ministry creates aesthetically pleasing lighting environments which enhance the atmosphere of church services and events. Lighting operators work in tandem with the video team to ensure consistency with in-house visuals, and can have a significant impact on the service from behind the scenes.

Sound Ministry

The sound ministry plays a critical role in the overall church experience, working together with the worship and video teams to ensure that both in-house attendees and online viewers hear clear, well-balanced audio across a variety of listening environments. Volunteers work with professional-grade audio equipment and have an opportunity to both serve the church and gain valuable real-world audio production skills.

Radio Ministry

The radio ministry helps the church’s Communications Department produce audio content for radio shows and podcasts. Volunteers edit Sunday services into radio-length segments, assist in the recording of in-house interviews, and package the various elements into weekly shows which are broadcast on local FM radio.

Listen Mon–Fri at 4:00 p.m.
on KGU 99.5 FM (The Word)

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