Experience a new way to worship together.

First Fam is a community of believers that stays connected through social media and live online services. If you can’t make it to one of our campuses on Sunday, we invite you to join us on, YouTube or Facebook.

A message from Pastor Ko


The best way to connect with us online

Watch streaming video

Experience the closest thing to being there. Join us for live worship, powerful messages and the latest church announcements.

Take notes online

Look up Bible verses, follow the speaker’s outline, and take notes with integrated YouVersion support.

Interact with the community

Share life experiences, answer questions, and encourage each other using the real-time chat feature.

Live prayer

Submit and receive prayer requests with a live person.

Give online

Use your credit card, debit card or bank account to give tithes, offerings and pledges through SecureGive.

Come join our online community!
