Who We Are

We’re a community church

Our church includes people of every age, ethnic group, and walk of life. We host a variety of ministries and small groups that provide ongoing opportunities for members to find support, encouragement, and friendship throughout the week.

We’re an outreach church

We believe one of the ways God demonstrates His love for the world is through the church. Our members are actively involved in providing food and clothing assistance, homeless and prison outreaches, hospital visitations, counseling services, and more.

We’re a missions church

We’ve been engaged in missions for over 15 years, with church plants in Africa, Asia, North America, South America, Oceania and Europe. For qualified candidates, long- and short-term missions offer a way to participate in God’s work around the world.


To be a church with a passion for the Lord and a vision to reach the lost — preaching the Gospel to every person and making disciples of all nations; teaching believers to be leaders, and mentoring members for missions.

Our Core Values

1 A passionate love for God is our top priority

We are committed to fulfilling Jesus' command to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Our personal devotion to prayer, studying the Bible and participating in the worship of God with other believers are examples of this love.

2A passionate love for God compels us to love others

We are thus committed to developing Christ-like loving relationships and to keeping the unity of the Spirit by resolving our differences in a way that brings praise to God and leads others to know His infinite love.

3Every person has the right to hear and receive the good news of Jesus Christ

We are thus committed to providing an effective and responsible presentation of the Gospel to everyone at their level of understanding so that they might have the opportunity to receive eternal life.

4All believers are entitled to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit

Therefore, every believer should expect and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, according to the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. The baptism in the Holy Spirit provides power to be an effective witness and to live a victorious Christian life. We will honor and yield to the person and work of the Holy Spirit in all we do.

5Membership in a local church is vitally important to every believer

We are thus committed to assimilating everyone who attends First Assembly of God into the membership and to helping them build healthy relationships with other members of the body of Christ by including them in small care groups.

6Christ-like character matters most to God because who we are determines what we do

We are thus committed to developing spiritual maturity through the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Through instruction in the Word of God, we will give believers a biblical moral compass to guide and protect them throughout life.

7Every member has a God-given ministry to fulfill at First Assembly of God

As God has given gifts to each of us, we must be good stewards of our time, talent, and money to serve one another and build the body of Christ. We are thus committed to helping believers discover their role, develop their God-given gifts, and use them to build the church.

8World missions is the heartbeat of God

We are thus committed to helping believers fulfill their purpose in advancing the global mission of Christ. In keeping with the Great Commission, we will encourage and equip believers to share the good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit.

9A spirit of excellence should permeate everything we undertake to do for God

It is not perfection but excellence we seek. We will seek to maintain a teachable and submissive attitude and a willingness to endure hardship and improve for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

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